Well, it all began the first time I picked up a hook at the age of 7. My mother was a crocheter, knitter, tatter and sewer. I always remember her with a hook or needle in her hand, always making a doiley, hats or something as gifts. She had alot of patience for doing all the dainty work. So one day, I asked her to teach me. She did, and the rest is history. although I still haven't learned how to knit. One of these days....
Through the years Ive made hundreds of things, hats, jackets,booties, slippers, doileys, sweaters, afghans and scarves. Im the Mom of 7 boys- there was only so much I could make for these guys; my husband always felt that crochet stuff was too girly.. he's changed his mind since Ive made him a few things.. Bit I've always yearned to make those girly things. It didnt look like I was ever going to have a chance to make anything for my own girl.. that is, until 2.5 years ago when that ultrasound tech said-" OH MY! Its a girl!"
Well, we were living in Indiana at the time when she was born and my hands got happy hooking again.. A few months later, I was in a popular chat room run by the infamous Fr. Z. We had just found out we were moving back to the chicago area and was looking forward to meeting new people outside my own childhood circle of friends. Thats when I met Monica...
Monica and I hit it off from the very beginning, we shared the same interests in pro-life work, we lived and breathed for our families, we shared the same faith and both felt that one person CAN make a difference in the world. Our friendship has grown and my admiration of her and her outreach to parents who have had a poor or difficult prenatal diagnosis has only grown twofold. She understands the crisis these parents are in, she was once in their very position.
So, Ive been involved in pro-life work for years working with Children of God for Life and the vaccine issue. Ive met so many great people and was able to help people all over the world . Ive been able to bring them the information they need to continue to fight for ethical vaccines that didnt contain any aborted fetal materials. I still continue to work with Debi Vinnedge and CoGForLife exposing the truth and continuing that fight.
I think just about everyone is on Facebook now. Its been such a great networking tool to meet some great people and re-connect with family and old friends. About 5 months ago, Monica had 2 families who were experiencing infant death. She had posted on FB a request for baptismal gowns- if anyone could make them or had some to donate etc.. I knew of some charitable organizations that made and donated burial gowns, and did my best to point her in the right direction. Evidently thats not what God wanted me to do because something was stirring inside of me and just wasnt sitting right. I emailed Monica and told her I would like to make some donated crochet burial gowns to have on hand so that she and her organization BE NOT AFRAID would never have to search for anything ever again.
So, Ive started this little spot on the net in hopes of:
finding others who would like to knit or crochet for these babies & families
provide a place where people can request items they need
share a little bit about my journey making these gowns for these precious sleeping angels.
If I havent bored you with my novel already, stay tuned... my next post will be about the making of my first gown...
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